2014年5月 30日—6月1日 中国· 武汉·
会 议 通 知
武汉电子商务国际会议是国际信息系统协会附属会议(An affiliated conference of the Association for Information Systems , AIS),已经成为一个促进和发展全球电子商务研究,推动交流与合作的学术年会。会议通过汇集电子商务、信息技术和管理变革等领域的新思想和新发现,激励学术研究和企业实践的蓬勃发展。年会旨在广泛的领域展现创新性的科学研究成果和具有挑战性的实践与经历,促进跨学科的研究发现,分享不同国家和地区的经验。
学术年会特别欢迎采用案例研究,实证研究、现场研究,问卷调查或实验研究方法完成的研究成果。会议语言为英语,会议期间举办多个研讨会和论坛。论文集将由美国Alfred University出版,AIS eLibrary(http://aisel.aisnet.org/)将全文收录本届会议论文。从第三届会议开始,论文集均被CPCI-S或CPCI-SSH检索,本届会议论文集除了提交到ISI申请CPCI-S或CPCI-SSH检索,还将提交到Engineering information Inc.,争取进入EI检索。本届会议将挑选部分优秀论文在多个国际期刊出版专刊(special Issue),包括《Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 》(SSCI检索) 、《Electronic Markets-The International Journal on Networked business》(SSCI检索)、《International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management》(EI检索), 《International Journal of Services Technology and Management》(EI检索),《International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations》(EI检索)等,部分优秀论文也将被推荐到国内权威期刊《信息系统学报》、《管理学报》。
1、E-Business management in organization (EBM)
E-Business strategy and value creation |
E-Business impacts across organizations |
Economic models for e-business value management |
IT-enabled entrepreneurship in e-business |
Co-evolution of business and IT strategy in dynamic environment |
Governance/organizational design for e-business |
Digital business strategy and performance implications |
Leadership, and power in IS project management |
Competitive dynamics in e-business environment |
Web-based marketing and mobile marketing |
E-commerce/m-commerce application in service industry |
Enterprise Web 2.0 application |
Enablers and inhibitors of e-commerce in SMEs |
Collaboration and innovation in e-Government |
E-health |
Risk management and IS project complexity |
2、IT/IS technology for e-business (ITIS) Topics
Workflow management for e-business |
Services computing in e-business |
Cloud computing |
Components, services and solutions for e-business |
Collaboration information systems and technology |
ERP applications and business process innovation |
Adoption and diffusion of green IT/IS |
Web-based Information Systems and Applications |
Big data for enabling e-business |
Distribution logistics systems for e-business operations |
3、Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence (KMBI) Topics
Knowledge management processes and structures in big data environment |
Design, development and use of knowledge management systems |
Knowledge management in virtual teams and distributed contexts |
Capturing and sharing knowledge in social networks |
Big data for business intelligence |
Real-time decision making based on business intelligence |
Leveraging business intelligence systems for knowledge creation |
Business intelligence systems and collaborative business |
4、Human Behavior and social impacts on e-business (HBSI) Topics
Human and social factors in e-business and IS adoption and deployment |
IS impact peoples willingness or ability to switch to a new system |
Cultural factors for adoption and use of IT/IS |
Online purchase intention in social commerce |
The impact of social networking web sites on human behavior in communications |
Human-computer interface at individual, group and societal levels of analysis |
Privacy, security, and trust of e-commerce and m-business |
Human behavior change with the proliferation of online social networking |
policies & regulations in e-commerce market | |
Web-based education and training |
Information asymmetry in e-commerce market |
5、Innovation Management and IT business value (IMBV) Topics
ICT-enabled process innovation and analytics |
IT applications Innovation in finance |
IT outsourcing-enabled business transformation and new inter-organizational forms |
IT business value in information goods and digital marketplaces |
Managing the value of IT investments |
Innovation strategy in emerging technology environment |
Human resource and technology innovation |
Open innovation and IT business value |
Innovation management of production systems |
Value-generating and transformative roles of IS |
Entrepreneurship in technology innovation strategy |
Green IS for environmental, and economic sustainability |
6、Emerging Operations & Services Management (EOSM) Topics
Green supply chain management |
Service requirements analysis |
Customer relationship management in operations & service |
Modeling and design, Integration of IT services architecture and management |
Inter-organization cooperation and management |
Service economics and risk management |
Methodologies and techniques for automated service composition and delivery |
Quality control and management in operations &service |
Supply chain and life cycle |
Digital value co-creation with customers |
International marketing for brand satisfaction |
Role of digital technology in service innovation |
Service and value co-creation |
Customer-centered service management |
1. 投稿论文为英文论文且为未发表过的研究成果,一般不超过8页 (论文最终页数以实际出版页数为准,超过8页按照每页100元收取加页费用),
2. 严格按照论文格式要求*撰写和提交论文,否则影响论文出版。
3. 作者投稿一律通过会议网站的网上投稿系统提交论文,会议网址:http://www.whiceb.com
4. 为保证被录用的论文收录进会议论文集以及作者到会宣读论文,被录用论文作者请务必在2014年3月15日之前完成注册。
Wilfred V. Huang, Professor, Alfred University, U.S.A. fhuang@alfred.edu
Juergen Seitz, Professor, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Heidenheim,
论文集编委会主席:Frank G. Duserick,
国外: 电子邮箱:wuhaniceb@gmail.com (Dr. Zhang)
国内: 电子邮箱:whiceb@aliyun.com (替换原来的whiceb@yahoo.com.cn )
博客:http://whiceb.blog.163.com/ 新浪微博:http://weibo.com/whiceb 腾讯微博:http://t.qq.com/whiceb